“We didn’t think you’d make it!” Ryan said when he saw me, still covered in snow.
“I was super lucky,” I admitted.
I only realized just how lucky I was when I arrived home at the Alta Lodge at 6:45pm. Earlier that day the forecast was only calling for a few inches, so I descended the canyon at 1:00pm for a doctor’s appointment in the Salt Lake valley. But the snow gods smiled, and while I was in the valley it snowed almost a foot! As a result, the Utah Department of Transportation decided to close the road to Alta at 7:00pm. I did make it back–with a mere 15 minutes to spare–but I missed some great skiing today.
“So much fun!” is all that Jason, a local bartender, could say of the ski day.
With 21″ of beautiful powder in the last 24 hours, I believe him.
Other rave reviews of the ski day heard around the lodge include:
- “Four runs on Wildcat, first tracks, no problem.” -Ryan, Front Desk
- “So sick today!” -Steve, Cook
- “We did 13 High Boy runs in a row; we started at noon and caught last chair.” -Paul, Baker
- “I skied really fast. It was hero pow.” -Brian, Dining Room
- “Sick, sick.” -Ben, Dining Room
Up to a foot more snow is forecasted for tonight, so the skiing tomorrow promises to be even better.
THIS is an Alta winter. Stay tuned for more pow updates.
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